Connections 2022

In 2022, in-person events came back with Connections in Chicago. The event spotlighted customers and product capabilities, had an exceptional keynote, showed off some metaverse avatars, highlighted Team Earth initiatives, and had One Republic perform. As a creative team, we pulled inspiration from customers and had fun with the Salesforce characters and brand to bring this Connections event to life.

I designed and edited our CMO’s main keynote for the event, working collaboratively with executives to ensure the presentation was exceptional. For the Commerce Cloud booth, I worked with Crocs to build out a storefront that showcased the Crocs customer story, powered by Salesforce. We had a fashion show and outfitted executives in Crocs during the keynote as a fun nod to their brand.

For the attendee concert, where One Republic performed, I developed the creative concept for the event and designed the printed signage that flanked the stage and surrounding areas.


Dreamforce 2022


Connections with Sarah Franklin